Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Save our children
Dear Adults
The children of today are your investment in the future. They need to see their own futures, and as long as they have music in their lives, they have a place to go for comfort, enjoyment, and even to release tension or frustration. The qualities of their home and school lives are the only standards they have to imagine or to picture their own futures. We can help them finish school and achieve their goals. Music has been proven to be a stimulant for students to do better in school. Parents who introduce music into their lives do not have as many problems as ones without music.
If you do not have children, we’re still writing to you, too. Children surround us every day of our lives, and all of us want a safe environment for them and for us. One way to achieve that is to add music programs for children, in school and after-school. These programs help children stay out of trouble give them balance in sports, science, and creative efforts, teach them how to focus on class activities, and on their homework.
Please visit our website, (www.ifepa.org) you will find a “Donate” page where you can contribute once a month for as low as $10 to help bring music into children’s lives all over the world. Our children are starving for culture and purpose in their lives, and it’s up to us as parents to fulfill their needs.
We appreciate all you do for our Foundation.
David Henson
Chairman& Founder